martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

Martes De Galeria -Skrewdriver

John 'Grinny' Grinton Drummer 1977-1978

John 'Grinny' Grinton Worked in recent years as a Postman in the Poulton area. Sadly Grinny passed away on 29th June 2005. He had fought a short battle with cancer which had only been diagnosed 5 weeks before his death. He leaves two daughters and will be missed by friends and family alike.
Eventually Grinny left Skrewdriver and joined The Nipple erectors, who became better known as The Nipps. They were signed to Soul Records, a label that had employed various ex-Chiswick staff.
Fronted by Shane McGowan, (who later saw fame with The Pogues) The Nipps played some fairly big gigs supporting the likes of The Jam and went on to release a couple of singles.
Grinny later stated, in an interview, that he had no problem with the new Skrewdriver, and he was a member of the far-right National Front together with Ian Stuart.

Phil Welsmley Guitar 1977-1978

Phil Welsmley about Ian : “Our music did not have any serious political content, I don’t recall Don (Ian's nickanme) being politically active at the time, other than the normal sexual/racist prejudices that prevailed. There was however, always an aggressive undercurrent with Don, ever since school. He was a volatile character, always prone to explosions of violence at the least provocation, especially after a drink.

He was great fun to be with most of the time, very generous, he would always buy you a pint if you were skint, always back you up if you got in a sticky corner. A great pal when your face fitted. Above all, he sought notoriety and attention, which he finally achieved.”

By day Phil runs his own engineering consultancy business in the north of England. By night he plays R'n'B.

Kev Mckay Bass 1977-1980

After Skrewdriver disintegrated Kev ran a glass blowing business in Blackpool making souvenirs for the tourist trade. Followed brother Sean to Canada in 1999.

Ron Hartley Guitar 1977

After Phil left the band Ian swiftly recruited Poulton Skinhead by the name of Ron Hartley. Ron was a good guitarist and Ian even more pleased that he looked the part.

With an unhealthy appetite for alcohol and a lack of personal hygiene that had earned him the unwelcome nickname of 'Dirty Doug'. Ronnie was beginning to show his true colours. There was no doubting his ability as a guitarist. Under the influence of booze he had become a liability, making a hash of it on his debut with the band while headling at the Roxy.

Violence at this concert was fierce, chairs and tables were broken up and used as weapons and the fighting spilled out into the streets of Central London. The lads knew that it could only spell a doom for them.

With the storm of the Vortex still hovering over them, Ted Carroll (Chiswhick Record Company Boss) suggested that they "roll on back to Blackpool to let it all blow oever". It's exactly what the lads did and Ian seized the opportunity to ditch Ronnie.

He told Ronnie that the band would split up and in the meantime started to search for a new guitarist.

Mark Radcliffe Dumds 1978-1979

Skrewdrivers' line-up was going through regualr changes. Ian pulled in Bolton drummer Mark Radcliffe who joined phil on Bass, and Ronnie back in on guitar. Mark had known Phil from College and was keen to get into the music scene having had little success with his ormer band 'Ridiculous and Jones' that also featured Phil on guitar.
Mark Radcliffe later on surfaced in the Shirehorses and then on to broadcasting fame with his own show on BBC Radio One. Recalling his with Skrewdriver in his book 'Showbusiness' he remembers Ian as 'charm personified' before dissassociating himself with the band's future political leanings.
The sun newspaper (in 1997) ran a small article with the same headline as above and it read...
"Radio One Breakfast DJ Mark Radcliffe reveals he once drummed for Neo Nazi Rockers Skrewdriver - before they became fascists.
He says "I hope this wouldn't resurface because there will be people who won't believe the explanation. We were just schoolboys and we got a few gigs in the Punk era and a record deal".
Mark adds "There was no fascist or National Front element. It all broke up and I went back to college. Then the guy, singer, got more into the fascist thing and recrutied a whole new line up - but kept the name which is unfrotunate".

Adam Doulgas Guitar 1984-1985

Sunday June tenth Ningeteen eighty-four was a day that would forever be remembered in the halls of Skinhead legend. The rivalry between Skrewdriver and self proclaimed "kings of the left" the Redskins had been boiling over for some time. Previously known as No Swastikas, the Redskins had now taken to dressing up as Skinheads and making all kinds of provocative remarks in the music press.

Talk of trashing a Redskins gig had been going around the various Skinhead hang-outs for a while, but when it was announced that the British Movement were going to attack an open air festival where the Redskins were playing, many stood up and took note.

On the day the BM Skins ked by 'Mick Mac' Mc Andrews, a Movement activist and Skinhead DJ, met up with the Combat 84 crew and wreaked havoc upon the Redskins stage, and all who dared to challenge them.
With 4000 watching, approximately 75 Skinheads attacked the band with bottles, boots and fists, putting two in hospital. The skinhead battle cry of Sieg Heil rang out around Jubilee Gardens. They then turned on the crowd, who panicked and ran trampling over each other to get away from the fracas.

One London paper ran the story of the smashing of the Redskins and featured a picture of Skrewdriver guitarist Adam Douglas wrecking the stage props.
After leaving Skrewdriver Adam joined in the French Foreign Legion, where he stayed for many years, acquiring the position of a top-ranking Officer.

Paul Swain Guitar 1984-1987
After Adam Douglas and Murray Holmes leaving the band, a former Four Skins guitarist Paul Swain was drafted in to help boost the live sound (he played guitars on the last 4 Skins studio album "A fistful of 4 Skins").
On Skrewdriver he played the guitars on Blood & Honour album. In recent years there was a rumour that he had died in Football related riots...but as we know pretty well how much rumours tend to carry more weight than facts...
Nowadays he has been active for a number of years in the biker world in UK.

I recently approached his friend to ask for a little interview from Paul about his times in the 4 Skins and Skrewdriver, reply was:

"I'm afraid Paul isn't interested in doing anything. He
wrote a bit for someone else and they changed what he
said and caused a fair bit of trouble. Like myself, he
has suffered alot of backstabbing by so-called fellow
right wingers, and has no interest in being apart of
todays scene. he still remembers fondly the days of
the 4-skins and skrewdriver, but has no wish to be
involved in any projects. Sorry and he wishes you well
in your project."

Steve Roda Bass 1985-1986

By March, 1985, when Skrewdriver entered the studio to record their two tracks for the No Surrender l.p., Steve Roda, an Italian from Bologna, had joined the group as a second guitarist. Besides giving the group more scope musically, the addition of Steve made the band more international in composition than ever before. Skrewdriver now comprised two Australians, two Englishmen and an Italian!
The new five-piece Skrewdriver recorded Tearing Down The Wall and Don't Let Them Pull You Down.

Scotty Drums 1984-1987

Running the rehearsal studio in East London for Skrewdriver in 1982 was Scotty. Scotty had been involved in the music scene for some time and had played for various bands in London. When he first took the booking for Skrewdriver he was a little apprehensive. Scotty and his partner has put some money together and bought some gear, it was generally inferior quality, but then when they got the booking from Skrewdriver at fifteen pounds a go, it helped them get off the ground.
It was the first session they had booked.
His involvement began as a purely financial venture, but as time went on he grew a liking for Ian Stuart, drawn in by what he saw as a charismatic and a very happening kind of person.
In 1984 band went through a line-up change and Ian filled the last vacancy to Scotty to pick up the sticks. Scotty probably knew that if he didn't help out with the drumming, then they probably wouldn't use his studio.
After playing with Sudden Impact in Carshalton, Surrey, Scotty decided to pack it all in. He'd been thinking about it for a while and after the gig he finally told Ian his decision. He was particulary unhappy at the way people were all too often taking advantage of Ian.
At the end of the gig Scotty became involved in a row with the organiser. She was saying 'here's thirty quid each' at which Scotty's response was 'you've got to be joking.' She really took offense to it. No-one else was saying anything to her.
Again Ian saw the money as secondary, many others could see that he was rich pickings for a nice few quids.

John Burnley Drums 1987-1991

Brother of Paul Burnley, John joined the band in 1987. And played drums on several recordings, like the Klansmen albums, After the fire, Warlord, Strong Survive & Freedom what freedom.
After the 'Cottbus six' incident Ian managed to persuade Smiley John and Stigger to remain in the group, but for Drummer John it was too much and he quit. He had been with the band over four years and decided enough was enough.
John was also a leading figure in a London based Racist scooter club titled 'Gods Of War'.
Ian would have to find someone else to back him on his trips to The Fatherland. For the short term Störkraft and Noie Werte were happy to help out.

Martin Cross Guitar 1987-1988

Martin Cross joined Skrewdriver in early 1987 (he also played in Brutal Attack for number of years as well as on Razors Edge and on various other projects). Played guitars on After The Fire album. Cross was sentenced to two years imprisonment in 1992 after hitting his neighbour with an axe. After Ian's death Sargent brothers were running B&H magazine and Martin Cross was named as editor (which he wasn't though).
I met with Cross various times in UK when I was filming concerts there, got him also to do introudction speech to Kriegsberichter vol.2 . Last time I saw him was 4 months before he commit the murder.
After some internal feuds Martin Cross together with his close friend CharLIE Sargent had lured Christopher ‘Catford Chris’ Castle, aged 28, to a mobile home in Harlow, Essex, on 10 February 1997. There, Castle was ambushed and stabbed in the back by Martin Cross.
The knife went in nine inches with such force that the wound was deeper than the blade's length with the hilt of the knife being buried inside Chris's back.

Cross and Sargent were sentenced for life.

Jon "Smiley / Icky" Hickson Bass 1990-1993

With Ross gone, Ian would have to reorganize the group. The new opening were filled by Lionheart bassist "Smiley Jon".

"Mushy" Drums 1992-1993

The last Skrewdriver drummer, nicknamed "Mushy" used to play drums for a punk band Resistance 77 before joining Skrewdriver. After Skrewdriver he teamed up with Stigger and drummed for Warlord.

Steve "Stigger" Calladine Guitar 1990-1993

Stigger was introduced to Ian Stuart by Stiggers sister Diane to whom Ian was engaged to. (more info about Stigger will follow shortly).
After Skrewdriver Stigger formed his own group titled Warlord and has been playing activly ever since, and was also involved in tons of projects.

Bibliografia por:


Lista de bandas que han hecho tributo a la memoria de Ian Stuart y Skrewdiver


13. Excalibur ( A Journey Through Avalon)
07. White Rider (Hear the Voice)
08. After The Fire (The Warriors Call)
03. The Way It's Gotta Be (This Is War!)

Block 11
10. When the Boats Come In (Made in Italy)

Blood in the Face
10. What Price Freedom (Strength Thru Hate)

Blood Red Eagle

12. Boots & Braces (Australiana)

Bound For Glory

13. Back With A Bang (Requiem)

Brigade M

09. White Power (Trouw Aan Rood, Wit, Blauw)

Carpe Diem

04. Our Pride Is Our Loyalty (Frei Geboren)

Day of the Sword
12. Hail the New Dawn ( Ear to Ear)
13. Skrew You ( Ear to Ear)
14. Europe Awake ( Ear to Ear)
15. Tomorrow Belongs to Me ( Ear to Ear)

07. After the Fire (Hail Victory)
08. When the Night Falls (Hail Victory)
09. Power From Profit (Hail Victory)
10. White Power (Hail Victory)


04. Streetfight (Onslaught)

DC Stormtroopers

08. White Power (4 Track Disaster)

English Rose (A Tribute to Ian Stuart & Skrewdriver)
01. I Dont Like You
02. Back with A Bang
03. Boots and Braces
04. Hail the New Dawn
05. Our Pride is Our Loyalty
06. Race and Nation
07. Mr. Nine to Five
08. Streetfight
09. White Rider
10. Win Or Die
11. Their Kingdom Will Fall
12. Backstabber
13. Oh No, Here Comes A Commie
14. European Battle Song

15. White Power (Live)


03. Hail The New Dawn (Unsere Goetter Leben)

Final Solution

06. Hail Victory (White Revolution)

Final War
06. Hail the New Dawn (Glory Unending)


10. White Power (NorCal Hatecore)

Gestapo SS
13. White Power (Vinlandic Stormtroopers)

02. Green Fields of France (From the Heart)
08) Road to Valhalla (From the Heart)


12. Better Off Crazy (Spread The Hate)

Hauptkampflinie (HKL)
09. Tomorrow Belongs to Me (Tomorrow Belongs to Me)19. Hail the New Dawn ( Halte Durch Kamerad)

01. The Snow Fell (Unplugged)
03. Suddenly (Unplugged)
05. Gone with the Breeze (Unplugged)


12. Strikeforce (Legion of Hate)

Honour Your Blood

12. Oh No Here Comes A Commie (Against Their Plan)

Kindred Spirit
02. Suddenly (Carry the Flame)
08. After the Fire (Carry the Flame)


03. Old Albion (Musik wie brennendes Benzin)

Max Resist

07. Built Up, Knocked Down (Second Skin)

14. Molot - White Power (Blood & Honour Russia - Live in Moscow)
15. Molot - Tomorrow Belongs to Us (Blood & Honour Russia - Live in Moscow)

No Fear

04. Our Pride Is Our Loyalty (Still Got The Power)

No Quarter
06. Mr. Nine to Five ( Fields of Glory)

No Remorse
03. Sick Society (Demo 1987)
10. Gone with the Breeze (The Winning Hand)

16. Free My Land (Brandenburg Live)

11. Tomorrow Belongs To Me (Live)

Noie Werte
03. Europe Awake (German British Friendship Live)
05. Hail the New Dawn (German British Friendship Live)
06. Tomorrow Belongs to Me (German British Friendship Live)02. Tomorrow Belongs to Me ( Live CD)
05. Europe Awake ( Live CD)
06. Als Der Schnee Fiel (The Snow Fell) ( Live CD)
13. Power From Profit ( Live CD)

Patriotic Front
07. Streetfight (Spirit of A Nation)

People Haters

12. Better Off Crazy (The Final Chapter)

Preserve White Aryans

07. Europe Awake (Pride, Strength, Unity), 08. Tomorrow Belongs To Me (Pride, Strength, Unity)

Paul Burnley

15. Tomorrow Belongs To Me (Salute)

Prussian Blue
01. Road to Valhalla (Fragment of the Future)
07. The Snow Fell (Fragment of the Future)
08. Gone with the Breeze (Fragment of the Future)

08. Green Fields of France (The Path We Chose)


10. After The Fire (The White Race Will Prevail), 11. Hail The New Dawn (Kingdom Of Hate), 12. Old Albion (Kingdom Of Hate)


01. Showdown ( Live & Kicking)
02. Patriot
03. Our Pride is Our Loyalty
04. Europe Awake
05. Our Time Will Come
06. Wasted Life
07. Gone with the Breeze
08. Freedom (What Freedom)
09. Tomorrow Belongs to Me
10. Voice of Britain
11. Hail the New Dawn
12. After the Fire

02. Tomorrow Belongs to Me ( My Tribute to Skrewdriver Volume One)
03. Triumph of the Will
04. Rising
05. Hail Victory
06. Where Has Justice Gone?
07. Klansmen Song
08. Land of Ice
09. Our Time Will Come
10. Showdown
11. Mr. 9 to 5
12. 46 Years
13. Europe Awake
14. Patriot
15. Gone with the Breeze

01. Voice of Britain (My Tribute to Skrewdriver Volume Two)
02. Strikeforce
03. European Dream
04. Red Flags Are Burning
05. Thunder in the Cities
06. Free My Land
07. The Strong Survive
08. Suddenly
09. Prisoner of Peace
10. Tomorrow is Always to Late
11. Wasted Life
12. Hail the New Dawn
13. Searching
14. Land on Fire
15. The Road to Valhalla

03. Green Fields of France (My Tribute to Skrewdriver Volume Three)
04. Suddenly
05. Freedom (What Freedom)
08. Snow Fell
09. Another Prayer for the Dying
10. Night Trains
11. Tomorrow Belongs to Me

Sokyra Peruna

06. Our Pride Is Our Loyalty (European Unity)

06) Retaliate (Stand Your Ground)


02. Hail The New Dawn (Live), 08. Stand Proud (Live), 09. Open Up Your Eyes (Live), 18. Hail Victory (Live), 20. Voice Of Britain (Live), 21. White Power (Live)

Steelcap Strength

12. Back With A Bang (Sons Of Glory)

02. Old Albion (A Ballad Evening in Denmark)
03. The Green Fields of France
04. Tomorrow Belongs to Me
06. Wasted Life
07. Night Trains
12. The Road to Valhalla
13. The Snow Fell
14. Suddenly
15. Another Prayer for the Dying
16. European Unity
18. Tuesday´s Gone
19. England, My England
20. Old Albion

08. Road to Valhalla (Sons of Our Race)


10. Our Pride Is Our Loyalty (Is It Too Late?)

08. Streetfight ( in Hoc Signo Vinces)

05. Tomorrow Belongs to Me (Twilight of the Gods)

Waffen SS
08. White Power (The New Dawn of White Power)


11. House of Treason (We Are the Law)
12. Alabama (We Are the Law)
15. Back with A Bang (We Are the Law)
18. After the Fire (We Are the Law)

White American Youth

11. White Power (Walk Alone)

06. I Don`t Know (Kick the Reds In)

White Noise

07. I Don't Like You (Final Solution)


Tribute to Skrewdriver Volume One

01. Endlöser - White Power
02. Intimidation One - Government Action
03. Propaganda - Wenn Der Schnee Fällt
04. Operation Racewar - After the Fire
05. Vollendung - God of Thunder
06. Konkwista 88 - Tearing Down the Wall
07. Deaths Head - We March to Glory
08. White Wash - I Don't Like You
09. Gegenschlag - Mr. 9 to 5
10. Les Vilains - Government Action
11. Vollendung - Time to Die
12. Konkwista 88 - I Know What I Want
13. Offensive - Slay the Beast
14. Intimidation One - Boots & Braces
15. Titkolt Ellenallas - Europe Awake
16. Red, White and Black - Invasion
17. Gegenschlag - Their Kingdom Will Fall
18. Patriot 19/8 - Suddenly

Tribute to Skrewdriver Volume Two

01. Offensive - Back with A Bang
02. Vinland Warriors - Triumph of the Will
03. Strikeforce U.k. - Their Kingdom Will Fall
04. Agitator - Our Time Will Come
05. Definite Hate - Free My Land
06. Ultima Ratio - Down in the City
07. Those Opposed - Showdown
08. Fehertorveny - Land on Fire
09. Propaganda - Reisst Die Mauer Ein
10. Max Ressist - Don't Need Your Love
11. Agitator - 46 Years
12. Deaths Head - Strikeforce
13. Vinland Warriors - Return to Camelot
14. Endlöser - Streetfight
15. Rebell Hell - Hail the New Dawn
16. Invisible Empire - Our Pride is Our Loyality
17. Semtex - Never Give in
18. Avalon - Behind the Bars
19. Razors 88 - Tomorrow Belongs to Me
20. Kolovrat - the Snow Fell
21. Pure Blood - Voice of Britain
22. Kommando Skin - Mr. 9 to 5

Vinland Warriors

07. I dont Like You (We Dont Care)

Words of Anger
08. Strikeforce (Nazi Rock'n'Roll)

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